Maskin E

:  Maskin E
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Eric Maskin, Yingyi Qian, Chenggang Xu. Incentives, Information, and Organizational Form // The Review of Economic Studies, Vol. 67, No. 2. (Apr., 2000), pp. 359-378.
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Dasgupta P., Hammond P., Maskin E. On imperfect information and optimal pollution control // Rev. of Econ. St. 1980. V. 47. 5. P. 857 - 860.
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Dasgupta P., Hammond P., Maskin E. The implementation of social choice rules: some general results on incentive compatibility // Review of Economic Studies. 1979. Vol. 46. 2. P. 185 216.
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Dewatripont M., Maskin E. Contract renegotiation in models of asymmetric information // European Economic Review. 1990. Vol. 34. N 2/3. P. 311 321.
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Fudenberg D., Levine D., Maskin E. The Folk theorem with imperfect public information // Econometrica, 1994. Vol. 62. N 5. P. 997 1039.
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Radner R., Myerson R., Maskin E. An example of a repeated partnership game with discounting and with uniformly inefficient equilibria // Rev. of Econ. St. 1986. Vol. 53. N 1. P. 59 69.
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