Novikov D A

:  Novikov D A
:  32
:  210492
:  206542
:  263

Novikov D.A. Cybernetics: from Past to Future. - Heidelberg: Springer, 2016. 107 p.
(: 3683, : 141420, : 8)
Burkov V.N., Goubko M.V., Korgin N.A., Novikov D.A. Integrated Mechanisms of Organizational Behavior Control // Advances in Systems Science and Application. 2013. Vol. 13. No 3. P. 217 225.
(: 9812, : 17592, : 17)
Bahktadze N. N., Novikov D. A., Vassilyev S. N. Intelligent Control of Industrial Processes // Proceedings of IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control, St. Petersburg, 2013. P. 49 57.
(: 4785, : 9533, : 13)
Breer V.V., Novikov D.A., Rogatkin A.D. Mob Control: Models of Threshold Collective Behavior. Series: Studies in Systems, Decision and Control. Heidelberg: Springer, 2017. 134 p.
(: 4333, : 6285, : 10)
V.N. Burkov, M.V. Goubko, N.A. Korgin, D.A. Novikov Mechanisms of Organizational Behavior Control: A Survey // Advances in Systems Science and Application. 2013. Vol. 13. 1. P. 1 20.
(: 10065, : 4501, : 15)
Incentives in organizations: uncertainty and efficiency / Proceedings of 6-th IFAC Symposium on Automated Systems Based on Human Skills, 17-19 Sept. 1997. , Kranjska gora. P. 274 - 277.
(: 6896, : 3502, : 8)
Novikov D. A. Models of Network Excitation Control // Procedia Computer Science. 2014. Vol. 31. P. 184-192.
(: 4902, : 1933, : 8)
Novikov D.A. Teams: Building, Adaptation and Learning / New Frontiers in Information and Production Systems Modeling and Analysis Incentive Mechanisms, Competence Management, Knowledge-based Production / Series Intelligent Systems Reference Library. Ed. by P. Rozewsky, D. Novikov, O. Zaikin, N. Bakhtadze. Berlin: Springer, 2016. 268 p. P. 3 - 34.
(: 3329, : 1369, : 9)
Burkov V.N., Novikov D.A. Models and methods of multiprojects' management // Systems Science. 1999. Vol. 25. N 2. P. 5 - 14.
(: 9885, : 1182, : 5)
Balashov V.G., Burkov V.N., Novikov D.A., Zalojnev A.Yu. Incentives in hierarchical organizations // Journal of business economics and management. 2003. Vol. IV. 2. P. 81 - 85.
(: 15504, : 1164, : 6)
Novikov D. A., Chkhartishvili A. G. Mathematical Models of Informational and Strategic Reflexion: a Survey // Advances in Systems Science and Applications. 2014. 3. P. 254 - 277.
(: 5003, : 1142, : 10)
Goubko M., Novikov D. Game-theoretical Models and Methods of the Organizational Systems Control Theory // Game Theory and Management. Collected abstracts of papers, presented in the International Conference "Game Theory and Management", Gradual School of Management, SPbU, 2008.
(: 9928, : 1140, : 7)
Burkov V.N., Novikov D.A. Fuzzy incentive problem / Proceedings of 14-th IFAC World Congress. Beijing. China. 1999. Vol. L. P. 345 349.
(: 9009, : 1128, : 11)
Goubko M.V., Novikov D.A. Magement in organizations: collective decision-making / Proceedings of the 16-th International Conference on Systems Engineering, Coventry, 2004. Vol. 2, P. 515 519.
(: 9415, : 1127, : 12)
Novikov D. A., Chkhartishvili A. G. Graph of a Reflexive Game and Bélles-léttres // Studia Humana. 2014. 3. P. 11 - 15.
(: 4950, : 1113, : 10)
Novikov D.A. Management of active systems: stability or efficiency // Systems science. 2001. Vol. 26. 2. P. 85 93.
(: 7535, : 1051, : 9)
Novikov D.A. Incentives in multi-agent systems / Proceedings of 2-nd Workshop on Agent-based simulation. April 2-4 2001, Passau, Germany. P. 134 137.
(: 6013, : 1019, : 7)
Novikov D.A. Incentives in multi-agent systems / 2-nd Workshop on Agent-based simulation. Passau, Germany, 2001 (April 2-4). P. 134 137.
(: 7256, : 1018, : 9)
Novikov D.A., Chkhartishvili A.G. Models of reflexive decision-making / Proceedings of 15th International Conference on Systems Science. Wroclaw, 2004. Volume 2. P. 295 306.
(: 6437, : 1012, : 5)
Novikov D.A. Team building under Pareto uncertainty / Proceedings of the 17th World Congress of The International Federation of Automatic Control. Seoul, Korea, July 6-11, 2008. P. 1633 1638.
(: 6171, : 989, : 5)
Novikov D.A. Incentives in organizations: theory and practice / Proceedings of 14-th International Conference on Systems Science. Wroclaw, 2001. Vol. 2. P. 19 29.
(: 6091, : 986, : 8)
Novikov D.A. Management of active systems: stability or efficiency // Systems science. 2001. Vol. 26. 2. P. 85 93.
(: 6171, : 934, : 6)
Novikov D.A. Game-theoretical models of team building / Proceedings of IFAC Symposium. Prague, 2005.
(: 5612, : 907, : 12)
Novikov D.A. Big Data and Big Control // Advances in Systems Science and Applications. 2015. 1. P. 21 36.
(: 3117, : 898, : 11)
Novikov D.A. A model of the hierarchy of needs dynamics / IFAC Symposium on Computational Economics and Financial and Industrial Systems. Istanbul: Dogus University, 2007. P. 428 430.
(: 6857, : 888, : 7)
Novikov D.A. Incentive Mechanisms for Multi-agent Organizational Systems / New Frontiers in Information and Production Systems Modeling and Analysis Incentive Mechanisms, Competence Management, Knowledge-based Production / Series Intelligent Systems Reference Library. Ed. by P. Rozewsky, D. Novikov, O. Zaikin, N. Bakhtadze. Berlin: Springer, 2016. 268 p. P. 35 57.
(: 3136, : 815, : 9)
Novikov D.A. Cybernetics 2.0 // Advances in Systems Science and Application. 2016. Vol. 16. No. 1. P. 1 18.
(: 2679, : 683, : 6)
Novikov D.A. Hierarchical Models in Modern Control Theory / Proceedings of Automation-2016, March 2-4 Warsaw: PIAP / Challenges in Automation, Robotics and Measurement Techniques. Springer, 2016. P. 3 12.
(: 2817, : 618, : 7)
Belov M.V., Novikov D.A. Models of Technologies.- Heidelberg: Springer, 2020. - 113 p.
(: 2353, : 593, : 13)
B.H., .. Active systems theory and contract theory: comparison of ideas and results. Coventry: Proceedings of X-th IC on Systems Engineering. 1994
(: 8405, : 0, : 0)
.., .. Active systems theory and problems of large-scale projects management / Business and management. Vilnius: Technica, 1995. Vol. 1. P. 93 103.
(: 8658, : 0, : 0)
Burkov V.N., Novikov D.A., Petrakov S.N. Mechanism design in economies with private goods: truthtelling and feasible message sets // Systems Science. 1999. Vol. 25. N 1. P. 71 - 78.
(: 9685, : 0, : 0)

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