:  Goubko M., Varnavsky A.
:  What Do Users Really Like in Menus: Building Menu Optimization Criterion
:  2015
:  CHI 2015 Workshop on Principles, Techniques and Perspectives on Optimization and HCI
:  Goubko M., Varnavsky A. What Do Users Really Like in Menus: Building Menu Optimization Criterion, CHI 2015 Workshop on Principles, Techniques and Perspectives on Optimization and HCI
:  In recent years several computer-aided design (CAD) tool prototypes were developed for the design of hier-archical user menus. These CAD systems differ in opti-mization criteria used to compare menus. A traditional approach relates menu performance to the target item selection time, but is the faster always the better for a user? We elicit key factors determining the user valua-tion of a menu-driven search from the laboratory ex-periment and build the empirically grounded function of user satisfaction, which depends on the selection time and accuracy, but also on menu logical compliance.

: (pdf)
: (_Workshop_on_Optimization_in_HCI)

: 3440, : 1470, : 10.

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