: Goubko M. V.,
Mishin S. P.
: Models of Optimal Organizational Hierarchies
( ): SPbGU
: 2008
: Goubko M., Mishin S. Models of Optimal Organizational Hierarchies // Game Theory and Management. Collected abstracts of papers, presented in the International Conference "Game Theory and Management", Gradual School of Management, SPbU, 2008. p.132-134.
: We combine the transaction costs approach with the original mathematical results in an optimal hierarchy design (Mishin S.P., 2004; Goubko M.V., 2006) to formulate and investigate the models of multi-layer management hierarchies. Our approach assumes reducing the problem of rational management hierarchy to the model of discrete optimization (to choose a hierarchy from a finite set of feasible hierarchies with the aim to maximize a certain criterion that maps the set of feasible hierarchies into the number scale).
: ( )
: optimal hierarchies, organizational structure
: 8712, : 1011, : 7.